Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yugioh! Fronteir Blog

Hello Bloggers,

This is coolestmuthafucka from, and I wanted to jump on the bandwagon for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Blogging Fronteir. Many of the big yugioh traders and video makers, such as wuphlez and pozjoker, mkohl40, etc. have joined and created blogs themselves. With this in mind, i wanted to help the yugioh community flourish again. Ever since Konami Entertainment bought Yu-Gi-Oh! from Upperdeck, the yugioh community has almost completely dispersed. When Upperdeck sold yugioh, they thought to destroy it, they shut down all tournaments and championships, they also sold counterfeit cards, which Konami actually sued them for doing. Now, yugioh has finally gotten back to, somewhat, of it's former glory but needs help still. Also, I am very happy for the Yugioh community because of the uprise in local and worldwide support. As yugioh fans we have, Pojo, Yugioh duel room, youtube, and this site as well, to thank for helping us expand out interests. Please, search for the above names and subscribe/follow them and there blogs. Thank you for taking the time and reading this blog, hopefully we can all have fun again in our yugioh trend.